Argireline Clinical Studies

Argireline Acetyl HexaPeptide-3

Many thousands of people are making appointments with doctors to receive Botox injections across the country. With costs of up to $400 an injection, the pain of needles in the face, and effects that only last three to six months, many are unfazed and continue with repeated procedures.

Such is the pursuit of the "fountain of youth." In an era where how we look is so important I guess this comes as no surprise.

However, now there is a way to diminish wrinkles without the pain and expense of Botox. The active ingredient Argireline now being formulated in a Botox effect Cream or serum, has shown in lab tests to effectively diminish wrinkles and lines in and around the eye area.
We're going to share with you in this report the summary, the product, some of the technologies, and the cosmetic benefits, applications, and dosage required for Argireline to work. Remember, this is a lab synopsis may sound a little technical in nature, but we'll do our best to smooth out the "rough spots!" anti aging solution.

Two cutting edge technologies have permitted the discovery and production of ARGIRELINE. COMBINATORIAL CHEMISTRY and PEPTIDE SOLID PHASE SYNTHESIS. The anti-wrinkle hexapeptide ARGIRELINE represents the discovery of a positive hit based on a scientific pathway from rational design to GMP production throughout basic biochemical mechanisms of anti-wrinkle activity. Skin topography analysis to measure the effectiveness of an O/W emulsion containing various percentages of ARGIRELINE of pure hexapeptide on healthy women volunteers, confirmed the validation of the biochemical mechanism.

One of the most striking signs of skin aging is increased wrinkling of the face. This can occur naturally over time and is identified by certain biochemical, histological, and physiological changes that are enhanced by environmental exposure. There are other secondary factors that can cause characteristic folds, furrows, and creases of the face. These include the constant pull of gravity, frequent and constant positional pressure of the skin of the face (e.g. during sleep) or repeated facial movements caused by the contraction of the muscles of facial expression. It has been clearly established in recent publications that these conformational changes and the disturbance of the perfect packing of the lipid matrix can be significantly avoided by inhibiting:

a) The formation of the SNARE complex
b) The release of Catecholamines

The SNARE complex is a core of membrane proteins that mediates neuronal exocitosis (A. Ferrer Montiel et al, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272, 2634-2638 (1997). Cleavage or inhibition of this complex can decrease excessive (an important point to notice!) neurotransmitter release preventing in such a way the formation of facial wrinkles and the aging of the skin. On the other hand, it has been clearly demonstrated that the overproduction of Catecolamines release, which can also induce formation of wrinkles and fine lines expression on the skin, can also be inhibited. (A. Ferrer Montiel, FEBS, 435, 84-88 (1998)).


The biological activity checked was supposed to be closely related with the basic biochemical mechanism of the wrinkle formation.

ARGIRELINE� has shown to be effective both in the inhibition of the SNARE complex on Chromaffin cells and in the inhibition of exaggerated levels of catecholamine(Noradrenaline and Adrenaline) release.


a. ARGIRELINE� reduces the depth of the wrinkles in the face caused by the contraction of the muscles of facial expression, especially in the front and around the eyes. b. ARGIRELINE prevents aging of the skin induced by repeated facial movements mediated by excessive catecholamines release.


a) ANTI-WRINKLE TEST ON HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS: Skin topography analysis for measuring the effectiveness of ARGIRELINE� (solution presentation) were performed obtaining silicon imprints from around the eyes from 10 healthy women volunteers. Silicon imprints were obtained after 0 and 30 days of twice a day treatments. It can be observed that the depth of the wrinkle is significantly decreased after 30 days of treatment which confirms the validation of the biochemical mechanism hypothesis.

b) Inhibition of Catecholamines release: The inhibition of catecholamines release controlled by the neurotransmitters noradrenaline and adrenaline is shown in Figure 2. Chromaffin cells were incubated with tritiated noradrenaline/adrenaline and ARGIRELINE. The release of catecholamines as well as the total cell content were determined by liquid scintillation counting. The significant inhibition of both neurotransmitters at nM concentrations is a clear indicator of the anti-wrinkle activity of ARGIRELINE.

The researchers concluded that the Argireline soulution reduced the depth of wrinkles up to 17% after 15 days and 27% following 30 days of treatment. (see illustration below from 0-15-30 days)


The toxicological profile of ARGIRELINE for cosmetic purposes was assessed only on "in vitro" tests.


a) Citotoxicity test on human dermic fibroblasts. The test was conducted on human dermic fibroblasts at concentrations between 10mg/ml and 1 mg/ml with a cell density of 21.000 cell/cm(2). No signs of citotoxicity were observed.

b) Citotoxicity test on human epidermal keratinocytes. Another "in vitro" citotoxicity test was carried out on human epidermal keratinocytes at concentrations between 10mg/ml and 1 mg/ml with a keratocyte density of 15.000 cell/cm. The results showed no genotoxicity under the conditions assayed.

The clinical evidence of the efficacy of Argireline�, proves it to be effective and safe, Argireline has proven effective in the reduction of wrinkles and lines in and around the face and neck area.

Better than Botox LRT-Serum

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